
arrow Dr. Kang's current h-index score is 82. For a complete list of publications, please click here.

Selected recent original publications:

  1. Kang ZB, Ge Y, Chen ZH, Brown J, Laposata M, Leaf A, Kang JX. Adenoviral gene transfer of C. elegans n-3 fatty acid desaturase optimizes fatty acid composition in mammalian cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A. 2001;98:4050-4054.
    This is a groundbreaking study that demonstrates, for the first time, the feasibility of producing the essential omega-3 fatty acids from the omega-6 type in mammalian cells by genetic engineering. This research has led to a new technology that could be used to produce omega-3 fats and modify essential fatty acid composition in mammalian cells or animals without exogenous supply, which has been granted an US patent (#7238851).
  2. Kang JX, Wang J, Wu L, Kang ZB. Fat-1 transgenic mice convert n-6 to n-3 fatty acids. Nature 2004; 427;504.
    This work successfully generated the world’s first transgenic “Omega-3-producing” mammal (mouse) that is capable of producing omega-3 from omega-6 fatty acids and has high levels of omega-3 in all organs and tissues, with no need of dietary supplementation. This discovery has changed the reality that the essential omega-3 fatty acids cannot be synthesized in mammals and must be obtained from the diet. The instant contribution of this work to science is to provide a new animal model (without confounding factors of diet) for omega-3 research.
  3. *Lai L, *Kang JX, Witt W, Wang J, Yong HY, Hao Y, Wax DM, Li R, Evans R, Starzl TE, Prather RS, Dai Y. Cloned fat-1 transgenic pigs rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Nature Biotechnology 2006;24:435-436 (*Contributed equally).
    Following the success in mouse model, this study moved to generate large transgenic animals (livestock) capable of producing omega-3 fatty acids. The fat-1 pig was the first “Omega-3-producing” livestock. This success indicates a new strategy for producing omega-3 fatty acid-rich foodstuff (e.g. meat, milk and eggs) by using this fat-1 transgenic technology, which will provide a land-based, cost-effective and sustainable source of omega-3 to meet the increasing demand for omega-3 in the future.
  4. Hudert C, Weylandt KH, Wang J, Lu Y, Song H, Dignass A, Serhan CN, Kang JXFat-1 transgenic mice are protected from experimental colitis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2006;103(30):11276-11281.
    This was the first study using the fat-1 transgenic mouse model to examine the effect of increased tissue status of omega-3 fatty acids on disease susceptibility and mechanisms of their action. The results of this study not only demonstrate the usefulness of fat-1 transgenic mouse as a new experimental model for the study of n-3 fatty acid derived lipid mediators, but also establish a concept that formation of resolvins and protectins is a key molecular mechanism of anti-inflammatory effect of omega-3 fatty acids.
  5. Xia SH, Wang J, Lu Y, Song H, Serhan CN, Kang JX. The growth of melanoma is reduced in Fat-1 transgenic mice: Impact of n-6/n-3 essential fatty acids. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA2006;103(33):12499-12504.
    This study utilized the newly generated fat-1 transgenic mice (having a balanced n-6/n-3 ratio) and their wild type littermates (having a high n-6/n-3 ratio) to look at the role of tissue n-6/n-3 fatty acid ratio in tumor formation. The results, obtained for the fist time from a system without confounding factors of diet, unveil a role for tissue n-6/n-3 ratio in the formation of lipid mediators, cancer-related gene expression and tumor growth. This information is important for dietary advice for cancer prevention.
  6. Kang JX, Wang J.  A simplified method for analysis of fatty acid composition.  BMC Biochemistry 2005; 6(1):5.
    The modified method resulted from this study provides an improved technique for lipid analysis and has been widely adopted by researchers in the field.
  7. Schmöcker C, Weylandt KH, Wang J, Lobeck H, Berg T, Kang JX. Omega-3 fatty acids alleviate D-GaIN/LPS induced acute hepatitis by suppression of cytokines. Hepatology2007;45:864-869. (With Editorial)
    The results of this study provide new evidence for a remarkable protective effect of omega-3 fatty acids against hepatitis attributable to the down-regulation of inflammatory cytokines induced by omega-3 fatty acids, and also establish benchmarks in the field of liver diseases.
  8. Connor KM, SanGiovanni JP, Lofqvist C, Aderman CM, Chen J, Higuchi A, Hong S, Pravda E, Majchrzak S, Carper D, Hellstrom A, Kang JX, Chew EY, Salem N, Serhan CN, Smith LEH. Increasing dietary intake of ω-3 PUFA reduces pathological retinal angiogenesis. Nature Medicine2007;13(7):868-873.
    The present study establishes the first results from two different experimental approaches to show that enriching the sources of omega-3 fats may be an effective therapeutic means to help prevent proliferative retinopathy. This study further validates the fat-1 transgenic mouse as a useful experimental model for the evaluation of n-3 fatty acid benefits.
  9. Berquin IM, Min Y, Wu R, Perry D, Cline MJ, Thomas MJ, Thornberg T, Zhang H, Wu H, Kang JX, Chen YQ. Modulation of prostate cancer genetic risk by omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2007;117:1866-1875.
    This study establishes that tissue status of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids affects prostate cancer risk. This study also presents a new application of the fat-1 mouse model (crossing with a genetically-modified disease model to generate compound models).
  10. Freudiger CW, Min  W, Saar BG, Lu S, Holtom GR, He C, Tsai JC, Kang JX, Xie XS. Label-free biomedical imaging with high sensitivity by stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. Science2008:322(5909):1857-1861.
    This study developed a novel technology that allows researchers to observe distribution and interactions of cellular lipids, such as fatty acids, in living cells with no destruction to cells and no need of labeling. This technology provides a new tool for biomedical research.
  11. Nowark J, Weylandt KH, Habbel P, Wang J, Dignass A, Glickman JN, Kang JX. Colon tumorigenesis is suppressed in transgenic mice rich in endogenous n-3 fatty acids. Carcinogenesis2007;28(9):1991-1995.
    This study used the fat-1 transgenic mouse model to demonstrate that inflammation is associated with tumorigenesis and that suppressing inflammation by omega-3 fatty acids could reduce tumor formation, suggesting an anti-cancer effect of omega-3 through suppressing inflammation.
  12. Mayer K, Kiessling A, Ott J, Schaefer MB, Hecker M, Schulz  R, Andreas Günther A, Wang J, Roth  J, Seeger W, Kang JX. Acute lung injury is reduced in fat-1 mice endogenously synthesizing n-3 fatty acids. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2009;179(6):474-483.
    This study demonstrated that increased tissue status of omega-3 fatty acids is protective against acute lung injury, due to modification of lipid mediator formation and cytokine expression. This study also validated the usefulness of the fat-1mouse model for omega-3 research.
  13. He CW, Cui L, Wang J, Kang  JX. Enhanced neurogenesis and neuritogenesis by docosahexaenoic acid in fat-1 transgenic mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 2009;106(27):11370-11375.
    This study generated comprehensive evidence from both in vitro and in vivo experiments demonstrating that brain status of the omega-3 fatty acid DHA influences neural structure and function. The findings of this study provide new knowledge for our understanding of the role played by DHA in brain health and disease.


Selected recent review publications:

  1. Kang JX. From fat to fat-1: A tale of omega-3 fatty acids. J. Membrane Biology 2005;206(2):165-172.

  2. Weylandt KH, Kang JX. Rethinking lipid mediators in physiology and pathophysiology. Lancet 2005;366:618-620.

  3. Kang JX, Weylandt KH.  Modulation of inflammatory cytokines by omega-3 Fatty acids. Subcell Biochem 2008;49:133-143.

  4. Kang JX. Fat-1 transgenic mice: A new model for omega-3 research. Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes, and Essential Fatty Acids 2007;77:263-267.

  5. Kang JX, Leaf A.  Why the omega-3 piggy should go to market. Nature Biotechnology 2007; 25(5):505-506.


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